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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  December 13, 2010 3:05am-4:00am PST

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weak hand. >> reporter: but republicans, who take control of the house next month, suggest this deal is take it or leave it. >> the answer's no. the answer's no. we're not interested in changing this deal. we're interested in passing it through. >> reporter: the senate is expected to pass the deal. extending all bush-era tax cuts even for the wealthy, extending
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unemployment benefits. and providing $400 billion in tax credits to stimulate the economy. but what surprised, outraged democrats, are the new estate taxes. >> the giveway on the estate tax is more than we should be doing. >> reporter: the tax rate up 35% on estates over $5 million. much less than democrats planned for a 45% rate that kicks in at $3.5 million. so, democrats are expected to demand changes. >> maybe they make a small change that doesn't change the bill significantly enough and they are able to say, we were able to show the president that when we say we want change we get change. >> reporter: the white house says the tax cuts won't pass if democrats do seek major changes. >> we have a framework. we have an agreement. and i don't anticipate it's going to change greatly. i think we're going to get strong support on boat sides of the aisle. >> reporter: democratic house leaders say they plan to fight.
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questioning the estate tax. but they signal, they won't block passage. >> we're not going to hold this thing up at the end of the day. but we think the simple question should be put to the test. >> reporter: expect the house democrats to make a lot of noise. but with time running out in the lame duck session and taxes set to increase at the first of the year, the options for the democrats are running out. david kerley, abc news, washington. well, the first family got into the holiday spirit last night, attending the annual christmas in washington concert. >> before the music started, president obama greeted a bunch of young elves with presents. >> among the performers, annie lennox, maxwell, and a very pregnant mariah carey. let's listen in. we'll be right back. ♪
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3:11 am
sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
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last week, we saw some scary pictures of prince charles and lady camilla being harassed by protesters. this morning, royal snapshots that are a tad more tame. >> it seems quick but we're already seeing the engagement photos of prince william and kate middleton. the photographer is someone familiar with the royal family. here is the bbc's nicholas switchell. >> reporter: two photographs issued by the palace. but there's no doubt which one captures the love of the couple and preparing to marry. it's this one. an informal pose, where william has his arms around catherine, both are smiling easily. and she has her left hand on his chest. as a royal engagement photograph, it breaks new ground in terms of its intimacy. >> the pictures you see today, are different from the pictures released in the past. they're much more informal. they're much more -- the couple are much closer together. they're very romantic pictures. you could not take a picture like that unless the couple were completely at ease with each
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other. and the way he's holding her at the shoulder. and you've got her hand on his shoulder, with the ring. we know why the photograph's being taken because it's an engagement photograph. and what a glamorous couple. they look fantastic. >> reporter: the easy informality of william and kate can be contrasted with this. the rather stiffer pose of his mother and father in their engagement photograph. in part, that's thanks to the photographer, mario testino, who knows william and harry well, and who took some of the best remembered photographs of diana, princess of wales. yet, what he captured in these photographs, cannot be manufactured, the authentic look of a couple in love. >> nice pictures, right? >> they're a beautiful couple. if you want to know about the photographer, mario testino, he's photographed other members of the royal family. he took william's 21st birthday
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in 2003 and then harry's 20th birthday the next year. >> just like your photographer did for your wedding pictures. >> we're not going to be newlyweds and we'll be showing it. >> less than two years. you can say congratulations. coming up, the election history made exactly ten years ago. and the battle over florida's ballots and the decision that finally sent george w. bush to the white house. next, from the abc news vault. ballots and the decision that finally sent george w. bush to the white house. next, from the abc news vault.
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it is hard to imagine, but back on this day ten years ago, the 2000 presidential election was finally decided. >> that was when the supreme court ruled in favor of then-governor george w. bush, making him president of the united states. we go back in the abc news vault, from december 13th, 2000. >> so, the country prepares to begin again. mr. gore will tell the country in person tonight that the election is over. governor bush will speak afterwards, as the soon-to-be 43rd president-elect. by the narrowest margin in the electoral college since 1876. and in the supreme court, by one vote. we're going to begin our coverage with abc's terry moran. terry? >> reporter: peter, tonight, al gore's aides describe him as calm, at peace with himself and his decision. confident in his belief that he fought the good fight in this election. and very focused on his task tonight, to do his part to unite the country, after this
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tumultuous election. the vice president spent all day sequestered with his family in his home, where he called supporters and worked for hours on the address he will give later tonight. aides say that gore was given an outline of the speech earlier in the day but that the speech will be his words in his voice. the vice president aims to provide two things. salute governor bush. to call the country to unite behind him. and champion the principle that gore says he's been fighting for since the election. the right to vote and the right to have every vote counted. but gore will not acknowledge defeat. he does not believe he lost, they add. rather, he will say that the process was brought to an end by a supreme court ruling he will abide by even if he does not agree with it. outside of the vice president's residence, a lone protester, stood on a corner where for
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weeks, the passion had played out with raucous crowds. the tone of gore's remarks will be upbeat, even patriotic. as a man who served the country in army in vietnam. and in a quarter-century of public service, al gore has a strong sense of duty, that he'll have to call on tonight. peter? >> terry, nonetheless, one has the feeling that despite the public statements, inside the inner circle, they must be furious. >> reporter: right through the gore ranks. the anger, resentment and bitterness is just boiling. it's not too much to say that inside that inner circle, they believe that the presidency was stolen from them by the supreme court of the united states. >> thanks, terry, very much. i wonder if we will hear it in public. for the first time, the governor is the president-elect. mr. bush also has to make a good impression on the country tonight, perhaps even a better one on mr. gore. abc's dean reynolds is in austin. dean, i wonder if there's any sense of history today. >> reporter: you bet there's a sense of history here today, peter. this is a speech befitting a president-elect, by a candidate
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who has waited a very long time to give it. those who know him say when the governor speaks from the texas house chamber tonight, he will acknowledge the closeness of this race and be conciliatory. >> he'll be humble. i think that's appropriate, no matter who won in this situation. it's going to be appropriate to show humility. but he will do it. and he will mean it. >> reporter: texas' highest-ranking democrat, house speaker, pete lainie, will introduce bush, who will use the occasion to bring home a point he has often made. >> i've worked with democrats and republicans in texas. and i will do so in washington. >> reporter: bush will soon go to washington, where he hopes to meet the democrats that have so far avoided him. and see president clinton, as well. congressality democrats have often been annoyed by bush's staff and repeated climbs of -- claims of victory when no krikter was clear. >> secretary cheney and i have
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carried the state of florida. secretary cheney and i are honored and humbled to have won the state of florida. >> reporter: to diffuse the hard feelings, bush may try something else, include a democrat or two in the cabinet he's assembling. the governor's aides say this event tonight will not be a rally. it will be more subdued than that. and they say the governor will provide understanding for the vice president, for his family and what they must now be going through. >> you talk about the numbers and the hanging chads. we remember the picture when they're staring up with a magnifying glass. it came down to 537 votes out of more than 101 million. >> it's unbelievable when you think of the math. not just hanging chads. we learned about dimpled chads and pregnant chads. they became part of our lexicon. ask anyone who was alive, they know what they are. >> how about if your name is chad? never the same. >> dimpled chad. coming up, insomniac theater. theater. ut if your name is chad? coming up, insomniac
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theater. [ male announcer ] when you're a quarterback in the nfl... ♪ there are no sick days. vicks dayquil defeats 5 cold and flu symptoms. ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] in the nfl, you can't win tomorrow if a cold keeps you up tonight. vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. n honking. a short time ago, this woman suffered from around his house. these people chose freedom over restrictions. independence over limitations. they chose mobility. they chosehe scooter store. and this is the team of mobility experts who made it all happen. ii great news, you've been approved for payment. dr. cruz, i'm calling on behalf ofmarie stanford.
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it's monday. that means it's insomniac theater time. i saw "the tourist," with angelina jolie, johnny depp. a lot of stars in that movie. you also saw a star-studded movie, "the fighter," which is getting a lot of great feedback. >> i was excited to see this movie. especially if you saw wahlberg on "60 minutes." it didn't disappoint. it's based on a true story, about two brothers that were boxers. the older is christian bale, who at one point, knocked out sugar ray leonard, and then became a crackhead. and he trains his younger brother. he's going to get a chance at a title fight. it has a lot about the family dynamics. how mark wahlberg has to walk
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away from his family, who in some ways think they know everything about boxing. >> he wants to fight. and you will see the plan. >> who is he? scared? embarrassed? does he have a plan? just tell me. >> no. >> let him punch himself out. take him to the body. get inside. switch stances like you're going to work his right. hit him on the left. >> you can't be me. you had a hard enough time being you when you had your chance. and that's why you're in here. i'll fight sanchez the way i fight. >> christian bale is amazing. as you saw there, he lost a ton of weight to play this role. i'm going to give this movie 3 1/2 out of 5. i loved it. i thought the ending was awesome. it's exactly what you want it to be. the only thing is, it's a little slow. the beginning part, dealing with the family, getting to the fighting scenes takes a little while. but it's so worth seeing. >> getting oscar buzz. there you go on that. i had a bit of a different experience. i had an okay experience with
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"the tourist," that stars angelina jolie and johnny depp. johnny depp goes to venice, italy, after his wife died about three years before that. he ends up crossing paths with jolie's character, who is trying to throw off this trail of authorities who are chasing her former lover for tax evasion. let's listen to a clip. >> where are we going? >> i don't know, alexander. where are we going? >> i'm not alexander. my name is frank tupelo. i'm an american citizen. and i have rights. >> i don't care what you call yourself these days. your name is alexander pierce, and you have no life. until you pay us back taxes. >> the plot is all over the place. the pictures are great. venice, italy, is wonderful to look at. and the stars were okay. i only gave it 2.5 kernels out of five. >> that's disappointing. a lot of peoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeo
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damaging storm. heavy snow wrecks minnesota's metrodome, as a huge storm freezes the upper midwest. pay up. police and paramedics sending bills to accident victims. >> i think that's outrageous. >> controversy, over a so-called crash tax. and trimless tree. a museum's huge, naked evergreen. where is the christmas cheer? it's monday, december 13th. >> you can see there, they thought it was artful not to have decorations. we here at "world news now," said the more decorations, the better. >> we trimmed the set. so, we're in festive spirit this morning. >> good morning. and thanks for being with us. i'm vinita nair.
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>> i'm mike marusarz, sitting in for rob nelson. the upper midwest begins the big dig this morning after a monstrous snowstorm dumped heavy snow on the region. >> minnesota was one of the hardest-hit with two feet of snow. clayton sandell reports from minneapolis. >> reporter: it was a touchdown nobody wanted. the roof of the metrodome in minneapolis. taken down by 17 inches of snow that slammed the city. nobody was hurt. workers cleared away that snow, shoveling in windchills of 21 degrees below zero. giants players who were stranded in kansas city, will now play the minnesota vikings in detroit. thousands of fans in minneapolis were the vikings/giants game, were the losers. >> now, they're moving it to detroit. now, we're going home. >> reporter: christa made the trip with eight girlfriends. she is out $500. >> really big bummer.
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i wish they would take us to detroit. but i don't think it's going to happen. >> reporter: she is hoping to get home to sioux falls, south dakota. whiteout conditions brought visibility to near zero. high winds and heavy snow also crippled iowa and wisconsin. and frigid air stretches far and wide. 29 states are being pounded by a system from the great lakes to the gulf of mexico. residents of the twin cities started digging out. we found richard myer, shoveling his walk. >> out here, i had to do this four or five times. >> reporter: entire neighborhoods are paralyzed by snow and slippery ice. neighbors are coming to each other's rescue. ahmed dipps spent two hours trying to help a stranger. >> you help someone else out. next time this guy sees someone stuck, he'll probably help them out. >> reporter: when they do dig
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out, people are dealing with freezing temperatures and windchills in the double digits below zero. they are even opening shelters in florida to help people get out of the cold. clayton sandell, abc news, minneapolis. and parts of the pacific northwest are still under water today, after a record rainfall. up to six inches of rain fell in western washington and oregon yesterday, triggering widespread flooding and mudslides. hundreds of homes were evacuated. and some people had to be rescued from rising waters. the winter storm in the midwest has left thousands of stranded passengers. at least 1,700 flights were canceled in chicago. and the flights that did leave were delayed. major highways in several states were closed due to poor driving conditions and plenty of accidents. jeremy hubbard reports. >> reporter: the roads are impassable. the sidewalks, invisible. the airports, impossible. >> i want to go home to los angeles. >> reporter: katherine is stuck
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at o'hare. cancellations mounting. the blizzard stranded 400 travelers in north dakota. they were trying to get to minneapolis but couldn't. >> it was crazy. completely packed like sardines. >> reporter: on the highway, it isn't any better. blizzards snarling traffic in iowa and wisconsin. and it's not just snow, but rain, too. along the east coast, in places like new york city, where there's finally a reprieve, after some places were drenched in two to four inches of rain. then, there's the fog. flights at reagan airport in washington, d.c., grounded for hours. for travelers, no relief in sight. next to get walloped by snow, indianapolis, pittsburgh and cleveland. the stretch of i-90 near buffalo where hundreds were stranded ten days ago, is about to get snowed on again. and in syracuse where they got 46 inches of snow in the last week, another 1 to 2 feet is in the forecast. back in chicago, there is a bit of good news. >> i'm going home. i hope. >> reporter: after hours on the phone, katherine finally got booked on a flight. if it can get off the ground. jeremy hubbard, abc news, new york. the snow is now moving east with blizzard warnings up this morning in at least five states. >> accuweather meteorologist ava dinges is tracking this weather system.
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good morning. >> good morning, vinita and mike. the worst may be over for the midwest. but we'll see heavy snow move into the great lakes. as the storm system lifts into canada bringing rain into maine but the bulk of the storm is lifting to the north. it's the harsh, cold winds moving in behind the storm that's going to take off the lake-effect snow. we've been tracking heavy snow bands into northern indiana overnight. now, that's starting to build into northern ohio, east of cleveland and into upstate new york. these localized areas could see one to two feet of snow, all the way into wednesday. you combine that with the gusty winds and whiteout conditions could be possible, along i-80 and portions of i-90. treacherous travel not over yet for those areas. it's all the cold air moving. and temperatures in the single digits in minnesota. when you factor in the winds, it can feel like negative numbers. all the way from minnesota to chicago. and this cold, reaching into the southeast, as well. 19 in atlanta, and 24 in jacksonville, to start off the
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day. back to you, vinita and mike. as most of the rain moves to the northeast, winds pick up to about 40 miles per hour. a cold morning along the entire gulf coast, with freeze warnings from texas to florida. lingering showers in the pacific northwest. mountain snow across idaho, wyoming and montana. >> upper 40s in billings and boise. 66 in colorado springs. sub-zero temperatures in minneapolis. teens in kansas city, chicago and detroit. just 30 in atlanta. and 45 in new orleans. there are fears this morning that many could be dead after a south korean fishing boat went down in some of the world's most remote waters. 42 sailors are onboard. it went down in the antarctic ocean this morning, about 1400 miles south of new zealand. at leave the five people are confirmed dead and another 18 are missing. a royal caribbean ship has arrived in the port of malta after being battered by a storm
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in the eastern mediterranean sea. "the brilliance of the seas" tilted about 15 degrees, enough to send furniture flying. this web cam video shows the ship arriving in malta. some 30 passengers suffered minor injuries all during the storm. all of them were treated onboard. criminal investigators say the suicide of bernie madoff's oldest son will not stop them from bringing a case against the family. mark madoff was found dead in his new york apartment on saturday. aaron katersky has the latest. >> reporter: though mark madoff has killed himself, it does not end the legal trouble for his family, including his two, young children. his 4-year-old and the 2-year-old, are named in a lawsuit by the trustee trying to recover billions of dollars lost by victims of bernie madoff's ponzi scheme. >> where is the money? that the brothers still seem to have. children in private schools. we can't help our grandkids with private school. >> reporter: madoff timed his suicide to coincide with the second anniversary of his father's arrest. mark madoff lost friends after the scandal. and those that knew him, tell us he had last hope and may have been considering suicide for
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some time. criminal charges were possible. lawyers say none were imminent. in an e-mail to his attorney, he said, no one wants to hear the truth. he added, take care of my family. the suicide inside his living room came as mark madoff tried to pull his life together. he thought that nobody else would hire him. so, he considered starting his own business in public relations. his wife, stephanie, told friends she has no plans to return here to the couple's apartment. the medical examiner confirmed madoff's death a suicide. the body will be released to his family, which is considering a small service in connecticut. it's unclear if prison officials would allow bernie madoff to attend or if the family would want him there. aaron katersky, abc news, new york. bankruptcy hearings are set for later today, for a&p, once the country's biggest grocery chain. the a&p company owns 400 stores. including pathmark and super fresh supermarkets. court documents filed yesterday show that a&p is more than $1 billion in debt. while operating under chapter 11, the stores are expected to be in operation and fully stocked.
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>> this next story is hard to believe, the holiday spirit is in full swing deep in the heart of texas. it's giving thousands of kids the warm and fuzzy feeling. >> the coats for kids foundation handed out a record 35,000 new coats in austin over the weekend. parents were so eager, they started lining up with their children overnight. >> it says so much about the need in a place you wouldn't think of as being that cold. there were 2,000 volunteers on-hand to help out. and many kids said they found exactly what they were looking for. a good reminder to donate coats this time of year. i just cleaned out my closet and found several things. >> it's amazing what a simple coat will do. and 35,000 people looking for coats. that's amazing. >> we'll be right back. you go next if you had aue ?
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3:41 am
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especially lately, we've been hearing a lot about the federal budget crisis. but look in your own backyard, at your state and local government, and you'll likely find a budget crisis there, too. >> so, some states are doing whatever they can to balance their budgets. but are they doing it at the expense of taxpayers? our very own rob nelson reports. >> reporter: if you're in a traffic accident, you expect to pay for the damage to your car. but jay middleton did not expect to pay a nearly $300 bill from the police department in the pennsylvania town where he had his fender-bender. >> after calling the police department, and learning that this is a debt that i am liable
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for, i went ballistic. >> reporter: paula callahan was even more surprised. her bill, a whopping $1,500, from the fire department that showed up after she totaled her car. on that bill, $50 for a broom. $50 for a shovel. and $175 for traffic cones. >> that's outrageous. it's a volunteer fire department. they show up at the scene, whether you call them or not. >> reporter: and $50 for a shovel? >> the $50 for a shovel -- obviously, if you break equipment, it needs replaced. >> reporter: it's called the crash tax. it's an idea that is catching on across the country, as state and city governments struggle to close massive budget shortfalls. >> this being a basic service that is already covered by taxes
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is completely unfair. >> reporter: new york city plans to start charges when its fire department responds to a traffic accident this summer. the fees are not one size fits all. if you're involved in a car accident with no injuries and the fire department responds, that will cost you $365. if the car is on fire, but still no injuries, that's $415. if the car's on fire and someone's hurt, that will run you almost $500. new york's mayor says, he has no choice. >> would you like them to close firehouses? or would you like them to have less technology in case something goes wrong? they say, to heck with it? i don't think so. they have to raise the money. >> reporter: new york is not the only government facing tough
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choices. california's governor wants to open the coast to oil rigs. arizona is denying as many as 98 medicaid patients life-saving transplants. and new york is considering legalizing ultimate fighting, which was banned in 1997 as too barbaric. it's a calculus being made across the country, where measures once considered unthinkable, are now considered unavoidable. rorororororororororororororororo
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♪ skinny so skinny miley cyrus cannot get out of the negative spotlight, it seems like. more drama. this time, dealing with some video of her smoking salvia, which apparently has a similar effect to lsd and marijuana. we should point out, it is legal.
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there you see from the tmz video, she's smoking this. i guess it was five days after her 18th birthday party. this is a party at her house. and so, you know, i mean the whole point, i guess that people are making, critics are saying, she was hannah montana, targeted towards younger kids. and is she is a good role model? and some people are saying she is out of control. and somebody needs to step in, or she could be victim to one of the runaway, hollywood victims. as far as her famous dad, billy ray cyrus. he took to twitter. and billy ray said this, sorry, guys. i had no idea. just saw this stuff for the first time myself. i'm sad. there's much beyond my control right now. i think that sentence says it all. he feels like it's out of control. >> he's in the middle of a divorce now, with his life. >> it's a mess. >> i have never heard of this drug. in case you're wondering, i had to look it up. it is a hallucinogenic drug.
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they did attempt to get it outlawed for three years but there is not a ban against it. but it is a hallucinogen. but it's legal. >> it looks bad. right? hannah montana, smoking the bong. i mean, come on. >> it's not good. >> come on, man. >> nice espn reference there. let's move on to kathy griffin, who is defending what she said about bristol palin. even if you haven't heard about the controversy, you'll understand. take a look. on "chelsea lately." >> what did you say about bristol? that she's a white precious? >> that's right. and i think it's ironic, that someone would call me a bully. there's a big difference between a comedienne and bully. >> if you missed the original comments, kathy griffin was doing a salute the troops sort of thing. and she said she's the white precious. she's the only one i've seen gain 30 pounds throughout the course of the show. and now, she is standing by her comments. and bristol palin is saying, she's awful. people shouldn't be paying money to see her make rude comments like that. so, that's the latest sort of on their squabble. >> well, kathy griffin is known
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to really speak her mind. look. there's always that fine line with comedy. right? and some people think they cross the line with that. let's talk about nuptials and some breakups. two to be exact. first of all, joel madden and nicole richie are getting married. >> he put a ring on it. >> there you go, right? >> there he is. >> look at that. glasses and everything. joel madden and nicole richie. and unfortunately, elizabeth hurley is getting divorced. >> you know her husband, is arun nayar, and that's my brother's name. i wish. but they're calling it quits. if you haven't seen them, everyone is talking about them. they're the new engagement photos for the prince and the soon-to-be princess. there they are right there. apparently they sat for a two-hour session. and had those photos taken with the family photographer. one of the cool things is they're wearing jeans in it. you of course, can't see. very laidback and obviously in love couple. >> very nice. congratulations. the cool things is
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they're wearing jeans in it. you of course, can't see. very laidback and obviously in love couple. >> very nice. congratulations. if your racing thoughts keep you awake...
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sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
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here are some stories to watch today on abc news. the senate plans to take a test vote today on a tax cut bill, brokered by the republicans and the white house. changes in the bill are expected in the house before congress adjourns. republican national committee chairman michael steele announces if he will run again for his position today. a website is reporting that he is dropping out and a new gop chair will be elected next months. and fedex predicts today will be its busiest day of the year. the shipper anticipates it will handle 16 million packages today worldwide. that's up from the busiest day last year. i think you only have three days, four days to get it in the mail. >> if you want to make it before christmas. you better get to work. families around the world, including us at the "world news" family, decorating for the holiday. and that, of course, means
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christmas trees. >> there was one christmas tree in london. it doesn't seem that christmasy to us. here's the bbc's david sillito. >> three, two, one. >> reporter: across the world, it is lighting up time. but not here at the tate gallery. this year's artist designed tree is, as you can see, naked. why? >> because, in my opinion, this notion that once a year we drag these beautiful plants from their natural habitat. for me, that's kind of enough, in a sense. on top of that, dressed in these, what i considered faintly ridiculous ornaments seems to be a step too far. >> what a great tree. >> reporter: it's a great tree. >> it is a great tree. >> reporter: but it's got
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nothing on it. >> it's still a great tree. >> reporter: what do you make of the tree? >> where's the decoration? >> reporter: it's more austere than previous tate trees that have been wrapped and even upside down. this, a chance to create mentally you're own decorations. can i ask what your tree looks like at home? >> because i have children, i allow them to decorate it with their handmade, homemade decorations. when you live in a family, you can't always call the shots. >> reporter: indeed, there may even be tinsel. david sillito, bbc news. >> how did we decorate our tree? >> we're shallow. we needed the ornaments. >> and acorns. >> whatever we could find in the studio. >> the good thing is you keep the nondecorated trees up 6ñ6p
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